sam the stage manager

so as hard and “challenging ” as this job was, i thoroughly have enjoyed it and it’s many new experiences.  Opening night was extremely stressful and i nearly had a panic attack before the show.  Griffey, my high school director, told me to calm the fuck down.  She has always had such high views of me and what i can do so i just didn’t argue this time and let myself believe that i was as amazing as she seems to think i am.  Andy Banks (darren’s brother) sat with me for a while and told me that they were talking about how good i was at my job downstairs.  It felt nice. I know that i could have done a lot of things differently and overall have done a better job, but i guess what i have done has left a good impact on everyone.  Now that i know what NOT to do, i feel more comfortable in undertaking this task again in the future.  Hopefully at Cal Poly, if not, maybe somewhere where they pay nice. =) I deeply appreciate those that stage manage constantly, and I can honestly say that in my run I’ve taken a little bit of everyone whom i admire from the department to try to get me through this.  We have such talented and differing individuals at cal poly and it’s nice to know that they all have my back in case i ever have a question or need some advice. I’m definitely going to miss these people once they graduate.

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